Wednesday, December 12, 2007

B&W/Color ------ Film/Digital

As I wrote in my blog post at the beginning of the semester, I have indeed "learn[ed] to appreciate taking color photographs." I feel like black and white photographs are often interesting simply because, being not in color, they show us a world that is not what with see with our eyes. In a color photograph, there is so much more to examine and appreciate. If I were at a gallery or museum, I think I would spend more time looking at a color photograph than one in black and white because are there are more details to look at.

While working on my final project, I viewed my digital camera as a tool to help me sketch out ideas. Before photographing with the plastic camera, I took ~10 or so shots of each person with my digital camera just to make sure I liked the setup and the way the colors looked on the lcd screen. Obviously the colors on the film were much different than on the digital screen. However, I think working with the digital camera to make "sketches" was really helpful. Also, it's way more exciting to get negatives than to see digital photos uploaded to the computer.

For now, I'm most interested in taking color non-digital photos.

I still don't really know how to explain what makes a good photo. Maybe one that is unique and portrays the subject of the photo in more depth than one would get from looking at / being near the subject for a short time? I think uniqueness is what is most important. Often, I like a photo just because I have never contemplated taking a photograph like it or seen something like it before.

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